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Thursday, March 31, 2011


Platelets are cells in your blood. They help your blood to clot when it needs to. The normal number of platelets is between 150 and 400 million per millilitre of blood. Most pregnant women have normal numbers of platelets but about eight per cent have a slight drop in their platelet count.

If your platelet count drops below normal while you're pregnant doctors will say you have gestational thrombocytopenia. Your count is below normal if you have between 100 and 150 million platelets per millilitre of blood. Gestational thrombocytopenia usually happens in the third trimester. It won't cause you or your baby any problems. Your platelet levels will return to normal when your baby is born.

The reduced platelet count is related to the fact that you're pregnant. Experts are unsure exactly why it happens but two factors may play a part:

1) Your body naturally destroys platelets if they are not used and replaces them with new ones. In pregnancy, this process is speeded up. The result is that you have fewer, but younger and larger platelets in your blood.
2) Your body produces more of the liquid part of blood (plasma) while you're pregnant. This means there are fewer platelets per millilitre of blood. This doesn't affect the platelets' performance, though. They can still do their job.

Your blood test results should be written in your maternity notes. Your platelet count will look something like this: Plat. 160x10.9/L. This would mean you have a platelet count of 160, which is in the normal range. If your platelet count is low, the blood test should be done again. This will keep track of whether your count is dropping. If your platelet count is very low, it may mean you're more likely to bleed either during or after birth or during a caesarean section. Doctors may also be extra cautious about giving you an epidural. The epidural needle would have to be placed very carefully to avoid any accidental puncture.

It's hard to say how low your platelet has to go before it becomes too low. This makes it difficult to tell at what point your risk of abnormal bleeding goes up. Some experts say all mums-to-be who have a platelet count of below 100 million per millilitre of blood should have extra tests. If you have an abnormally low platelet count it is likely to have been caused by a condition you already have, such as lupus.

Lupus happens when your immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells. Some medicines, such as the blood-thinning drug heparin, can also affect your platelet count. If either of these cases applies to you, you and your doctor will already know your platelet count could be low. Your doctor will plan your antenatal care with this in mind.

Occasionally, a very low platelet count could be a sign of a problem with your pregnancy. This could be a rare complication of pre-eclampsia, called HELLP syndrome. If you had this syndrome, your other symptoms would be:
1) pre-eclampsia symptoms, such as high blood pressure and protein in your urine;
2) pain above your belly;
3) headaches;
4) nausea


Hmmm...pagi tadi p la check up kat KKIA Sri Rampai..ok je..sumer nurse2 kat stuh baik-baik n peramah belaka..tapi saper yg bermasalah..i la..

Memula diorang amik la tinggi n berat..pastu..amik tekanan darah..pastu p check urine..pastu dia check perut..dia tekan-tekan skit..pastu p amik darah dalam 10ml (3 botol kecik)..masalahnya amik yg 1st tu dapat satu botol je darah dah tak mau keluo..then, diorang cucuk lagi 8 kali kat pelbagai tempat kat tgn i ni..pun tak mau keluo..last sekali yg ke 10 baru la darah tu nak keluo untuk isi lagi 2 botol..nurse tu kater salur darah i halus sgt n suka lari-lari..pastu baru la p jumpa nurse lagi sorang..dengo dia membebel skit pasal pemakanan n kebersihan then, dia bagi la vitamin-vitamin dan ubat menambah darah yg selalu org pregnant dapat tu..nurse tu ada gak komen dia kater maybe i akan di refer ke hospital sbb tinggi i kurang dr 145 cm..takut tulang pinggul i tokleh bukak besar in case baby i besar..which means possibility for cesarean la tu..then, next appointment pada 27/4/2011..

Pastu sdg i meeting ptg tadi..i dapat la call dari KKIA tu lagi..tau tak dia inform apa??dia tanya i demam ke hari ni sbb platlet darah i kurang..pastu i cakapla.."rasanya mcm sihat je tak tau la plak kalau saya ada denggi"..huhu..jadi apa yg tak besnyer..esok pagi kene p KK Setapak untuk test darah lagi..tak tau la kali ni senang ke susah ke nak jumpa urat i tu lagi..uwaa..dah sakit dah tgn kanan i ni..kenapa kene amik darah lagi ni..

So skang ni terpaksa surf kat internet kenapa platlet boleh kurang and what should i do..tak mo la ada apa-apa penyakit yg tak diingini..doakan i and baby sihat ye..

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Penantian saper yang berakhir tu?? Mestilah penantian my dearest hubby..sebulan yang lepas dia bersemangat register utk Unifi ni..hari-hari buat countdown..sampai pagi tadi siap cakap "2 jam lagi" masa sebelum pegi keje..akhirnya kol 11.44 am tadi my hubby call kater dah settle install kat umah..dia call pun guna nombor Unifi yang baru..huhu..kitorang amik pakej yg mana??of course la yg paling murah..VIP5..

Tapi sebenarnya kitorang tgh tunggu offer utk staff..my hubby dah tak sabo sgt..dia nak gak pasang dulu..nanti baru fikirkan utk tukar pakej..harapnya takder masalah la nanti..huhu..

Tapi ok jugakkan..dapat la tgk TV yang clear skit..come rain or shine..bak kater iklan..masa masuk umah baru ari tu..tv ok je..tapi semenjak ramai dah pasang ASTRO..terus dah susah nak dpt siaran cantik..ari tu, kitorang dah siap suh Management umah kitorang tu promotekan Unifi lagi..siap dia tampal notis kat dalam lif lagi..tak tau la baper umah yang dah register..ader gak nampak minggu lepas staff sales TM and Agent dtg buat promotion..saper saper yang berminat, boleh la register kat http://www.unifi.my ..

So mlm ni boleh la tgk tv dgn besnyer..tapi ari ni takder citer bes..hmm..congrats dear..and TQVM for the Unifi..

Friday, March 25, 2011


I ada la subscribe satu website ni tuk dpt kan info terutama ketika 1st trimester ni..so dia akan email la tetiap minggu inform apa yang akan berlaku minggu tu..so minggu ni apa dia inform..

You are now 12 weeks pregnant (or in your 13th week if that's how you prefer to count it).

Your baby is about 5.4cm long from her crown to her rump and weighs slightly less than 14g. The big news this week is that your baby's reflexes are becoming more honed. She'll squirm if you prod your belly, although you probably can't feel her moving around yet. Fetal nerve cells have been multiplying rapidly and the neurological connections in her brain (synapses) are forming. She can close her fingers, curl her toes and clench her eye muscles.

All the while, your baby's face is beginning to look more human. Her eyes, which started out on the sides of her head, have moved closer together. Her ears are almost in their final positions on the side of her head. Inside her body, her organs are performing more complex tasks. Her liver is making bile and her kidneys are secreting urine into her bladder.

Your midwife can now feel the top of your uterus (womb), also known as the fundus, low in your belly. As you enter the second trimester, you may need to wear looser clothing. Soon you won't be able to fit into your old clothes any more.

It's never too soon to start doing your pelvic floor exercises. A strong pelvic floor will protect you against urine leaks, and help with labour and birth when the time comes.

You may now find that once the sickness feeling has passed, your appetite returns. Find out how to eat well over the next few weeks. And if you're wondering how often you'll need to see your midwife or GP, take a look at our antenatal appointments scheduler.

Note from Babycentre: Every baby develops differently. This page is designed to give a general idea of how a fetus grows in the uterus

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Huhu..pagi tadi siap muntah-muntah kat dlm kereta..nasib baik ada plastik spare..penangan semalam yang tak habis2 lagi..pagi tadi beli bubur nasi n air laici (kalau kat kampung, bubur nasi ni kitorang panggil kanji)..alhamdulillah..ditelan dengan selamatnya..then, petang p la check up kat Klinik Menara di TM Annexe..doktor tu mmg baik n peramah..doktor yg kat bawah Menara tu pun baik jugak..ni kompius ni nak pilih yang mana..haha..

So, doc amik tekanan darah..dia kater low BP..tapi takper dia kater..tu normal utk 3-4 bulan pertama sbb kurang makan..lega skit dengo kan..pastu seperti biasa scan time..dah 12 minggu..mula-mula nampak baby tu..pastu tetiba dia p nyorok plak..nampak kepala je..doc pun ukur la saiz kepala..so dia kata saiz dia suit dengan umurnya yg baru 12 minggu tu..lagi doc kater dijangka due pada 8/10/2011..gambar 1st kat bawah tu yg memula nampak full siap nampak denyut jantung lagi..tetiba kat gambar kedua dia p main nyorok2 plak..

Sonok plak dapat tgk dia bergerak-gerak..hebatnya kuasa Allah..tak dapat nak difikirkan dan dibayangkan dengan akal dan ilmu yang terlalu cetek ini..Subhanallah..Nanti kita tgk plak masa check up kat KKIA tu mcm mana plak..huhu..tak sabar plak rasanya..

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Tak tau la naper ari ni rasa mcm tak sihat sgt..semalam dah amik cuti..tapi mengenangkan minggu ni closing utk payment..gagah kan juga la dtg keje..tapi mmg sesungguhnya terlalu tak larat..

Pagi tadi mkn bubur nasi dah kuo balik..selalunya takder masalah mkn bubur nasi ni..ke sbb minum tropicana twister?? perut ni dah pedih ni..sat tadi ada seorang staff kat snih yg dipanggil 'bapak' tolong belikan and banjer mkn..nasi goreng ayam masala..dia siap amikkan sup lagi..tapi mcm tak larat je nak habiskan..sentuh skit je tadi..ni still lagi ada balance..kalau tak habis jugak..nak kasik kat my hubby je la utk habiskan..

Mcm mana ni..apabila nikmat makan ditarik balik..sangat menyeksakan dan menyedihkan..dah takder tenaga dah ni..kepala rasa mcm melayang-layang je..pastu tangan and tengkuk kat belah kanan ni pun sakit jugak..maybe tersalah urat masa tidur..pastu sepanjang ari rasa mcm nak muntah..nak buat keje pun tak focus..uwaaaa..sedey..

Tak tau la kenapa..bila ari Sabtu je selera mkn membuak-buak..pastu ari Ahad mesti dah start tak sihat..and kompem ari senin selalunye kalau tak amik cuti, cakap kat bos nak keje dari umah..tak larat dah ni..apa yg patut i buat ni..dinner nak mkn apa plak??

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Ok...ari ni lebih dari setengah hari dihabiskan untuk Sesi Teh Tarik..dari kol 9 sampai 12 dihabiskan bersama GCEO TM..Dato' Sri Zamzamzairani Mohd Isa..then dekat 1 jam lagi sepatutnya bersama CHCO..tapi disebabkan oleh hal yg tak dapat dielakkan..Ir Abd Razak Hussin, GM HC SSO telah menggantikan beliau..kami telah disajikan dengan sarapan teh tarik, nasi lemak, bahulu kemboja, samosa dan buah-buahan..

Dengan GCEO..of course pelbagai persoalan mengenai TM diajukan..especially dengan produk baru UNIFI/HSBB..beliau telah memberikan penerangan dengan panjang lebar dan amat meyakinkan..tak sabar rasanya nak pasang UNIFI kat umah..30/3/2011 kan dear???

Dengan wakil HR pula..of course la persoalannya kebanyakan berkaitan dengan gaji, bonus,vss dan kenaikan pangkat..mmg telah dijangkakan..huhu

Sementara sesi dengan HR tu..Dato' Zam bawak la kitorang melawat opis beliau and dapat la bergambar sambil duduk di kerusi GCEO..gambar akan di upload kemudian..bila dapat nanti..

And lepas tu..kitorang dihantar pula ke Menara KL utk sajian mknn tengahari sampai kol 3 pm..ala..kat restoran berpusing tu..masalahnya adalah..i telah melantak dengan sungguh byk sekali..dgn keadaan esofagus i yg tak berapa nak memberangsangkan..ni tgh tunggu kalau-kalau apa yg i telan tadi ada yg tak sempat nak sampai perut..tapi setakat kol 5 ni..ok lagi la..mcm tak meragam plak..

Mentang-mentang mkn mknn mahal..mengada betul perut i ni..kalau mkn yg mahal je leh terima..jgnla anak i nanti jenis yg demanding and mementingkan brand sudah..ni i kene didik betul2 ni..supaya menjadi anak yang zuhud dan pandai bersyukur dengan apa yg ada

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


A lover, not a fighter

Whenever there's tension in the home, your Libra child will try to be the peace-maker. He will want everyone to get along, as arguments upset him. If you are a noisy, expressive family, your little one will have to learn how to make himself heard, which can be very difficult for children of this sign.

In general, harmony is the main concern for Libra children, and they'll do whatever they can to guarantee it. This includes being affectionate with their parents, siblings and friends.

Libra children are sweet and naturally polite, but their urge to please everyone can cause problems. Your child is likely to be indecisive, as he’ll worry that any decision he makes could end up offending someone or hurting their feelings. Libra children also find it difficult stating their opinion in a confident way, which means they could let their friends walk all over them as they try to keep everyone happy.

On a brighter note, their great social skills and strong sense of justice make them a good friend. They also have a well-developed sense of how to create balance in their lives, and sophisticated tastes, even at a young age.

Natural negotiators, Libra children excel in bringing people together, creating compromise and helping others to cooperate rather than argue. As the parent of a Libra child, your job will include teaching him, gently, that occasional disagreements are a natural, unavoidable part of life. Help him build his self-confidence and realise that being opinionated and assertive aren't the same as being offensive.

Semoga dia seorang anak yg soleh/solehah..itu yg paling penting..baby itu dilahirkan seumpama kain yang putih..ibu bapalah yang bertanggungjawab mencorakkannya..bersedialah untuk tanggungjawab yang lebih besar..

Monday, March 14, 2011


New updates and experience today..so hari ni my hubby dah promise me to send for appointment at Klinik Kesihatan Ibu dan Anak (KKIA). Actually we have planned for this last week lagi..tapi masa tu kitorang p KKIA yg kat Sentul je sbb kitorang selalu mkn2 kat stuh..Sampai je kat KKIA Sentul tu, dia tanya kitorang dok kat mana..kitorang pn btaula yg ktorang dok kat Ayer Panas Setapak..so dia kata kitorang tokleh register kat klinik tu..bkn dlm kawasan diorang..so dia kater kene p kat KKIA Sri Rampai..kat mana la plak tu..

Kitorang cari n cari la klinik tu..tak jumpa2 jugak..ternampakla Klinik Kesihatan Setapak..tanya la kat stuh..dia pn bg la direction..then p la dekat2 Rampai Court tu..baru la jumpa..sekali masuk je dlm klinik tu..mak ai..penuh gila..ni sampai ptg pun tak sure leh settle ni..so hubby kater..kita p isnin nnti pagi2..bukan apa pun nak buat appointment je..

So, ari ni kol 730 pagi lagi kitorang dah sampai kat stuh..itu pun dah beratur panjang dah..tapi bila dia bukak je pintu n nak register, i cakap la i nak buat first appointment..so sekejap je p kat lagi satu kaunter tu..di check tarikh suit utk i and dia bagi la senarai apa nak bawak masa 1st appointment nanti..Masa 31.3.2011 nanti i kene bawa:

1) Of course la Kad Pengenalan
2) Original Sijil Nikah
3) Original Bil Elektrik / Telefon - nak confirmkan address la tu..
4) Yang kelakar tu siap dlm senarai tu suh bawak pen

Sebelum ni i p klinik panel kat bawah Menara TM tu je..tapi mana la tau tetiba i terberanak kat kampung nanti..mana ada private hospital kan..so better gak buat check up kat snih..ada full record yg boleh di pegang n dibawa ke mana2..lagi pun mengikut survey yg dah i buat..dia nyer check up lebih detail dari private..

Lagi satu..nanti kalau ada apa-apa complication..akhirnya dia akan refer balik ke GH..so better buat je la kan..bukan kene bayar pun..i dengar masa first check up nanti je kene bayar RM5..apa la sgt..

Tapi hari tu..i saja gatal2 buat lagi 1 appointment kat Klinik Panel kat TM Annexe tu..23.3.2011 ni kene p..nanti i tgk dulu doktor panel mana yg bes..nnti i pilih la salah satu..letih la plak byk sgt appointment kan..Ari tu yg bawah Menara tu asik kene postpone je..tu yg buat appointment kat Annexe tu..haha

Hmm..berdebar la plak bila nak buat test tu nanti..tah apa la penyakit i ada n zat apa la agaknya yg kurang dlm badan i ni..hopefully semuanya sihat wal'afiat with no complication during labor..Aamiinn..

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Waktu ditinggalkan lonely kat umah ni..sbb my hubby is attending his class..tetiba terfikir plak nak mencoretkan sedikit ttg kesungguhan my hubby menjaga dan melayan isteri terchentanya ni selama didalam keadaan kesihatan dan mood yang tak menentu ni..really appreciate your support dear!!!

Semenjak cuti tahun baru cina lagi..badan ni dah rasa tak sedap..he really wanted to send me to the clinic for check-up..tapi biasala kan wife dia ni mmg degil..huhu..mestila tak nak pegi..setakat sakit sikit2 ni..malas nak layan la kononnya..but..he really took care of me..

Then, lepas p check up kat clinic lepas balik dari kelantan tu..my hubby jaga i the same as the doc advice..doc informed that during this time i akan kene gastrik..so before bgn dr katil pagi2 tu..i kene mkn dulu at least 2 keping biskut..cream crakers or mary..he will prepare for me..and i dapat la on-bed breaksfast..dia siap buatkan teh panas and prepare the vitamin..yang best tu..bila nak tido mlm..dia siapkan bantal sejuk lagi..ala..yang kene simpan dalam peti ais tu..so i leh menyejukkan kepala n tengkuk n kadang2 perut ketika tido..

Bila i dah ok skit after 3 weeks, he will prepare roti bakar and milo 'o' as my breakfast..huhu..terasa dimanjakan sgt..tu tak masuk lagi usaha mencari mknn yg perut i boleh terima for dinner..kalau i berehat kat umah je..i will prepare bubur nasi jer as lunch..sian plak la dia kene hantar lunch..which ada 2 kali kot dia carikan lunch..terpaksa test mcm2 mknn..my stomach and my esofagus is very sensitive..till today pun, i kene mkn yg lembut2 je..anything which needs me to chew..the result will be muntah balik la lepas tu..lamanyer dah tak mkn nasi putih berlauk..really miss it..

Besides, his discipline secara istiqamah melaksanakan amalan2 yang di galakkan..mmg buat i terharu..really love u dear..adik minta maaf kalau adik terlalu menyusahkan abg..

Namun tak dilupakan juga..my parent in law especially my mom..huhu..siap buatkan tomyam and bagi mangga tu..huh..berselera i mkn..masa balik shah alam tu..siap buatkan pengat pisang lagi..siap bawa bekal balik mangga ke setapak tu..really love u all..thanks for the support..tetiba teringat plak..my mom ada jugak buatkan beberapa baju baru utk i..mesti tak lama lagi i dah tak muat nak pakai kan..hahaha..

Thanks dear for doing most of the house work!! Bila badan adik dah betul2 sihat..insyaallah after 1st trimester ni..kita boleh buat keje rumah bersama2 semula..huhu

Saturday, March 12, 2011


So now what to do?? Persediaan for the baby maybe lambat skit la kot kan..dalam bulan ke 6 & 7 nanti la baru buat..skang ni focus on amalan-amalan rohaniah coz the baby masih dlm proses pembentukan mental & fizikal..

First thing first..kene elakkan dari mkn mknn yang haram n syubhah..make sure apa yg kita mkn tu from the halal source..and as per doc said..kene mkn mknn berkhasiat especially after the first trimester sbb dah pembentukan fizikal baby..

Then, what should we do..dekatkan diri pada Allah..banyakkan baca Al-Quran, sembahyang sunat, berzikir n berdoa..not only for the mother to do it but also the father pun kene amalkan. So, apa yg digalakkan??

Membaca Al-Quran:
1) Banyakkan baca Al-Fatihah n Ayat Kursi
2) Surah Yasin
3) Surah At-Taubah
4) Surah Yusuf
5) Surah Maryam
6) Surah Luqman
7) Surah An-Nahl ayat 78
8) Surah Al-A'raf ayat 189

Pastu banyakkan berdoa..ada doa-doa yg disuggestkan utk ibu dan anak di dalam kandungan..agar pelihara anak n jauhkan dari penyakit, supaya tidak susah ketika melahirkan, dan dikurniakan anak yang sempurna sifat, akal, iman dan akhlaknya. Doakan juga agar anak itu nanti akan tetap hatinya untuk mengerjakan solat..ada dalam ayat Ibrahim 40-41..also surah Al-Baqarah 128

Banyakkan juga bertaubat atas dosa-dosa yg pernah dan akan kita lakukan..banyakkan beristighfar dan berdoa utk memohon rahmat Allah, dkurniakan anak yang soleh dan diampuni dosa..ada dalam ayat Ali Imran 8-9, 38 dan 192-194..

Kalau ikutkan ceramah Ust Siti Norbahyah..puasa sunat juga amat dituntut..tapi sbb si ibu perlu menjaga kandungan..tugas berpuasa sunat ini adalah tugas2 khas utk si bapa..

Dan akhir sekali, the parents should avoid all perkara2 mazmumah..so mesti bersikap dan berakhlak baik..apa2 je yg dlm kategori perangai tak baik tu perlu dijauhkan..

So, skang ni kitorang berdua sedang melakukan sehabis baik dalam mengamalkan perkara-perkara yang tersenarai kat atas tu..Supaya Allah memberkati usaha kami..Aamiin..

Friday, March 11, 2011


Hahaha..ari ni ada first check-up ngan doc selepas asik postpone je tah baper kali..So, doc to tanya la bila last period mcm biasa..Then, dia pun kater "lama dah tu..baru skang dtg??"huhu..i sengih je la..so hasil check up tersebut adalah seperti di bawah..

Nampak tak ada makhluk comel tu..yg i bulatkan tu..doc tu ukur..dia kata dah 10 minggu..huhuhu..masa doc tu tgh menscan2 tu..dia leh lak tertendang-tendang..tangan dia menggagau-gagau cari apa tah agaknya..bahaya nih..aktif la plak..pastu nampak la jantung dia denyut-denyut..cuma tak la rasa lagi oleh si ibu ni sbb dia kecik je lagi..baru je saiz 30mm..

Pastu i tanya la doc tu..ada apa-apa test ke nak buat??dia kater takder..tunggu masa 6 bulan nanti..so the following check up lagi 3 minggu..selama ni tertanya-tanya gak la berjaya ke tak dia hidup kat dalam tu..Alhamdulillah..berjaya dah utk 10 minggu..

My hubby..mesti jeleskan sbb tak dpt tgk??nanti kita gi check up lain plak ek..adik bawak balik gambo ni tuk abg simpan..

Tak sabar rasanya nak menghabiskan trimester pertama ni..nak melantak mknn mcm2..skang ni kene mkn yg bersup2 je..sian tau..bila tgk org mkn nasik lauk best2 tu..hai..teringin la sgt..chaiyok..chaiyok..