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Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Seven-Year Itch

Here are John Gray’s 7 Itch-Proof Steps for a Solid Marriage:

1. Talk things out. If one of you has an issue with the other, get it out in the open. But remember: Don’t use blame to make your point.

2. Guys: Ask her how her day went. And when you do, be specific. Mention her job, or the kids, or her parents. She’ll appreciate it, because it demonstrates that you really care.

3. Show your love by touching. Hugs and kisses are the easiest (not to mention funnest) way to stay connected.

4. Do things together->Make dates, without the kids. Take walks. Work out at the gym together. Get away for the weekend, at least once a quarter. As you both loosen up, you’ll love each other even more.

5. And do things apart. A night out with friends may actually make you appreciate your marriage more. Besides, absence does make the heart grow fonder.

6. Be sensitive to your partner’s stress. Anxiety puts men in their caves, and puts women on edge. If you see that your loved one is stressed out, give some breathing room, but let him or her know that you’re there when it’s time to talk – and unload.

7. Don’t be afraid to say -I love you- Those words have meaning. They express your commitment to your marriage, and that’s what it’s all about.


dieya said...

deqno.. lupa laks nak info ader gambo ko beso gedabak aku tampal kat blog aku. nih link dia:

deqno said...

huhuhu...terharu aku nengok gambo tu....tetiba terasa mcm nk pakai tudung labuh balik...tapi zaman tu mmg tokleh dilupakan...idup yg sungguh gumbira.....